
Showing posts from December, 2022

Final Finals

 Next week will be my last final exams week.  I'm able to graduate a semester early and begin my career.  It is kind of bittersweet that it is coming to an end but I'm excited for the next step.  The quote "Days go slow but the years fly right by." is the best representation of how college has gone for me.  It seems like last week I was moving into founders with my parents and roommate and now I'm a week away from being done.  It is crazy how slow time can seem to be at times but in the big picture it seems to fly by.  I've made lifelong friends during this time and learn a lot about life and my career.  I'm glad I chose Ohio Northern and I wouldn't change anything.  Go Bears!

Weekend Travels

 This past weekend I got the chance to travel up to Minnesota and go to a Vikings game.  I was born a Vikings fan and I've been to a couple games in Detroit but I've never been to a home game in Minnesota.  The Vikings stadium is one of the newer ones in the NFL with its first year of use being in 2016.  They had to build a new stadium because the previous one infamously had its roof collapse due to the amount of snow that gathered on top of the stadium.   We drove 9.5 hours to Minnesota on Friday and stayed until Monday morning.  We explored the Twin Cities on Saturday and then went to the game on Sunday.  It was a really cool experience to be in that stadium.  It is generally mentioned in the conversation of loudest NFL stadiums and after being there I would agree because my ears were ringing after every defensive third down play.  The Vikings were up comfortably in the first half but got stagnate in the second half allowing the Jets to come back.  The Vikings ended up winnin