
Showing posts from August, 2022

Chapter 2: Developing Your Personal Brand

 Chapter 2 is about developing a personal brand.  Developing a good personal brand is critical if you want to market your product through social media.  While there are many steps to developing a brand I feel as these two are the most significant in this process of building a brand: Identifying a target audience and determining your vision and purpose.  Once you figure these out most other steps will fall into place.  Outside of these steps I believe social media etiquette is another key factor in building a personal brand.  I think especially in my generation we often forget that people outside of our close friend group can see what we post.  So it is important to be able to separate what accounts/platforms are for professional business and what accounts are for more personal business.  If you combine the two you're almost asking for trouble.  I think this is what my generation can learn the most from is how to separate the two in order to grow professionally on social media.

Episode 1

Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace is the first movie of nine.  It establishes a good base of what is about to happen in episodes 2-6.   They travel to the planet Tattooine to find some spare parts for their starship.  As they walk into a junk dealers shop they are greeted by a young slave, Anakin Skywalker.  During their time on Tattooine  Qui-Gon comes to believe that Anakin is the chosen one, the one that is supposed to bring balance to the force.  Qui-Gon manages to bring Anakin with him back to Coruscant where he will train Anakin to become a Jedi.  On their way back to the ship Qui-Gon encounters sith apprentice Darth Maul.  Qui-Gon manages to escape but this is just the start of an evil plot. Eventually Darth Maul faces Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan again, this time it ends differently.  Maul ends up stabbing Qui-Gon and killing him.  Soon after Obi-Wan gets vengeance by cutting Maul in half with his light saber.  Although this scene sees two iconic Star Wars characters die, it is one of the

Chapter 1

 Section three in chapter one of Essentials of Social Media Marketing talks about the advantages and disadvantages of social media.  The author lists nine advantages and ten disadvantages.  I think that the biggest advantages that social media offer is that it is free and you can reach an absurd amount of people.  Companies can promote their product to the billions of people that are on social media.  This also allows people who are starting a business to bring awareness to their product as well the consumers of the product posting about their experience.  I can't count the amount of times I scroll through TikTok and see people doing reviews on different products.  This is a great thing, if the company makes a good product.  This also opens up a negative path for a company.  If the product you make isn't good then people can bring bad publicity for the company.  All in all social media is a great way to reach an enormous amount of consumers.  The advantages by far outweigh the


 Welcome to my blog, my name is Lucas Metcalfe.  I am a senior at Ohio Northern University majoring in Strength & Conditioning and minoring in Exercise Physiology.  I'm from Delphos, Ohio which is a small town about thirty five minutes from campus.  I grew up always playing sports and fell in love with them, which is part of why I chose to major in Strength & Conditioning. I have a wide range of hobbies and interests.  My favorite hobby is weight lifting (another reason I chose my major).  My other hobbies include golf, fishing, video games and watching movies and series.  My blog is going to consist of reviews/analysis of my favorite movie series: Star Wars.  Within the last two years I began watching Star Wars and I instantly fell in love.  Whether it be any of the three trilogies, the spin off movies or the multiple series  I believe Star Wars has all the things you look for in great films.  There's a lot of action, adventure, romance, classic good versus evil, and l