Episode 1

Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace is the first movie of nine.  It establishes a good base of what is about to happen in episodes 2-6.   They travel to the planet Tattooine to find some spare parts for their starship.  As they walk into a junk dealers shop they are greeted by a young slave, Anakin Skywalker.  During their time on Tattooine  Qui-Gon comes to believe that Anakin is the chosen one, the one that is supposed to bring balance to the force.  Qui-Gon manages to bring Anakin with him back to Coruscant where he will train Anakin to become a Jedi.  On their way back to the ship Qui-Gon encounters sith apprentice Darth Maul.  Qui-Gon manages to escape but this is just the start of an evil plot.

Eventually Darth Maul faces Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan again, this time it ends differently.  Maul ends up stabbing Qui-Gon and killing him.  Soon after Obi-Wan gets vengeance by cutting Maul in half with his light saber.  Although this scene sees two iconic Star Wars characters die, it is one of the best lightsaber battles in all of Star Wars.  All three characters are very skilled in lightsaber combat which is what makes this scene so great.  As Qui-Gon is taking his last breaths he requests of Obi-Wan to train Anakin and, again, proclaiming that he is the chosen one.  This scene is one of many reasons as to why Star Wars is so great: Lightsabers.

This movie is used to set up what is to come in the following movies.  Since this movie and the next two are prequels to the original three movies, these are showing why what happened in the original trilogy happened. Overall I rank this movie sixth out of the nine movies.  


  1. Hello Lucas. I enjoyed most of the Star Wars movies and their television shows as well. However, I do have a slight criticism to your post, especially since Darth Maul is my favorite character in all of Star Wars. It is revealed in the fourth season of 2012’s Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show that Darth Maul survives the cut from Obi-Wan and has been on the planet Lotho Minor driven by his madness and need for revenge. He dies in another television show, Star Wars: Rebels, struck down by Obi-Wan for good.

  2. Hey Lucas. I am a fellow Star Wars fan and I find it odd that you didn't address the elephant in the room - this movie is mostly hated amongst Star Wars fans. I think you should've stated what you think of the experience of the film as a whole. Did you like it?
    I think it would've also been helpful to include your least to greatest list in regard to the series, as 6th of 8th doesn't give us a good illustration.
    I did enjoy the recap of the film and your praise of lightsabers. I look forward to reading more.


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