Chapter 3: Social Media Marketing Strategy and Social Media Advertising

 Chapter 3 is about marketing and advertising.  I believe that these two components are the key to growing your social media brand.  There is a lot that goes into developing a successful strategy but I believe one step to be of most importance and that is selecting the appropriate platform.  If I'm trying to sell clothing to teenagers, I would be wrong to only advertise on Facebook.  If I'm selling clothing for older people, I would be wrong to advertise on Snapchat.  Instead it would be smarter to advertise teen clothing on Snapchat and advertise the older generations clothing on Facebook.  It is important to choose the right platform depending on who your target audience is.  It would be wise for companies to be active on more than one social media platform to reach as many potential customers as possible.  Being active on platforms where your target audience is also most active would be the best way to get as many interactions as possible.


  1. Hey Lucas, I agree about advertising to teens only on Facebook would be a bad idea. I think companies should be on more than one platform as well. I am curious as to if brand's should have different personalities for different platforms. Instagram I would post more visuals about our company but Twitter I would use to optomize interactions with users.


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