Episode 3

Revenge of the Sith is the third movie in the Star Wars saga and the last prequel.  This movie takes place three years after Attack of the Clones.  This movie is the end of the Clone Wars which took place in between Episode 2 and 3.  There is also an animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, that showcases many important events during the Clone Wars and also explains why many things in this movie happen.

Back to Revenge of the Sith.  This move starts off with Separatist leader Count Dooku capturing Chancellor Palpatine during a battle.  Obi Wan and Anakin are on a rescue mission for the Chancellor.  After a series of impediments from the Separatist army, Anakin and Obi Wan are able to make it on to the ship where the Chancellor is being held.  Once the two make it to the Chancellor they are greeted by Count Dooku where an epic lightsaber battle begins.  During the fight Obi Wan is knocked unconscious by Dooku.  Anakin continues to battle Dooku.  "I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate. You have anger. But you don't use them." Dooku says to Anakin as their lightsabers are locked together.  After that line Anakin seemingly uses his hatred to best Dooku in battle, cutting off both hands.  After both hands have been removed Anakin has Dooku defenseless in front of him when the Chancellor tells him to kill Dooku.  At this moment you can sense the inner conflict that Anakin faces.  Anakin ultimately decapitates Dooku after another nudge to do it by the Chancellor.

Once the Jedi return back to Coruscant Anakin is greeted by his wife, Padme.  She reveals to him that she is pregnant.  Later on, Anakin wakes up panicking and covered in sweat after having a dream that Padme would die in childbirth.  After this Anakin vows to not let this happen to Padme, telling her that he cannot live without her.  Palpatine senses the fear of losing Padme as well as his anger due to the fact that the Jedi Council has not granted him the rank of Master.  With this in mind, Palpatine appoints Anakin as his personal representative of the council.  The Jedi Council still does not grant Anakin the rank of master, this clearly and justifiably upsets Anakin.  A few moments later Obi Wan informs Anakin that the Council wants Anakin to spy on the Chancellor.  This confuses and angers Anakin even more. 

Later on Anakin joins Palpatine at a Mon Calamari Ballet show.  Palpatine tells Anakin the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise.  Palpatine tells Anakin the Plagueis was so powerful and wise that he could influence midi-chlorians to create life.  He expands by telling Anakin that Plagueis could also use this ability to save people from death, which gets Anakins attention.  Palptine tells Anakin the Darth Plagueis' passed this knowledge on to his apprentice, Darth Sidious who ended up killing him in his sleep.  Anakin then asks if it is possible to learn this power and Palpatine replies "Not from a Jedi '' which forces Anakin into deeper inner conflict.  A couple scenes later Palpatine reveals to Anakin his knowledge of the dark side of the force and explains that he is the only person that can help Anakin save Padme.  After realizing that Palpatine is Darth Sidious, the person the Jedi have been looking for, he faces more conflict.  He knows that Sidious is the only person that potentially saves Padme but he also knows he must tell the Jedi Council of his findings.

Anakin tells Jedi Master Mace Windu of his findings.  Windu and a few other Jedi head directly to Palpatines office.  Windu orders Anakin to go to the council chambers while they take care of Sidious.  Once Windu and the other Jedi arrive at Sidious, the Jedi beside Windu are quickly killed by Sidious leaving only Sidious and Windu.  While in the council chambers, Anakin hears Palpatines voice saying that if the Jedi kill him, any chance of saving Padme will be lost. Finally, he leaves and goes to Palpatines office.  Mace Windu ends up beating Sidious in battle just as Anakin arrives.  Just as Windu is about to make the final blow to Sidious, Anakin cuts off Windu's arm and Sidious uses force lightning to throw Windu out of the window.  Anakin is upset with his actions but now knows that there is no turning back.  Sidious tells Anakin he is his new sith apprentice and gives him the name Darth Vader.

Sidious then orders the clone troopers across the galaxy to "execute order 66" which is an order for the clone troopers to kill all the Jedi.  After a series of horrible events against the Jedi and the Republic Darth Vader goes to the planet Mustafar.  Obi Wan secretly boards Padmes ship to Mustafar after she refused to reveal Anakins location.  Once on Mustafar Padme realizes what Anakin has become.  Then Obi Wan reveals himself and the two begin, in my opinion, the best lightsaber duel in Star Wars.  I won't walk through the whole battle but it ends with Obi Wan cutting off all of Anakins limbs and leaving him next to a flowing river of lava.  Obi Wan leaves Anakin to die there.  Sidious ends up rescuing Anakin moments later and has a team of droids bring Anakin to the iconic figure of Darth Vader.

This was a little long winded but a lot happens in this movie.  This movie is filled with a ton of phenomenal lightsaber battles and a great plot.  All in all this is probably my favorite Star Wars movie due to the fact that it has great lightsaber battles, has a huge plot twist and a good love story.


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