Episode 4

 Episode 4 - A New Hope is the fourth movie in the Star Wars saga but was originally the first before the prequels came out.  This movie starts off with immediate action.  Princess Leia has has possession of the Empires plans for their secret weapon: the Death Star.  But her ship is ultimately captured but Leia is able to give the plans to R2-D2 with instructions to bring the message to Obi Wan Kenobi.  R2 escapes along with C3PO and heads toward Tatooine where they are taken by Jawa Traders who bring them by a moisture farm where they run into Luke Skywalker.  Luke seems to be an average 16 year old farmer with dreams of becoming a pilot.  He discovers the message the R2 is carrying and wonders if it is meant for his neighbor Ben Kenobi.  Eventually Luke discovers that Ben Kenobi is Obi Wan and that the message is for him.  Obi Wan gives Luke his fathers old lightsaber and tells him that Luke's father was killed by Darth Vader.  Luke, Obi Wan and both droids eventually leave Tatooine for Mos Eisley.

Back on the Death Star one of my favorite scenes is about to begin.  The Empire's officers are bragging about the power of the Death Star and believing that it will bring order to the galaxy.  Then Darth Vader says "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force" when an officer replies by mocking Vader.  Vader then begins to force choke this officer and tells him "I find your lack of faith disturbing"

Obi Wan, Luke, the droids, Chewbacca and Han Solo end up getting aboard the Death Star to save Leia.  Once aboard Vader senses Obi Wans presence.  Once they rescue Leia and head back to the Millennium Falcon to escape Vader finds Obi Wan and they begin to lightsaber duel.  Due to the fact that this movie was made in 1977 means that the lightsaber battles are not as good visually as the prequel, but that doesn't mean they aren't still awesome.  Obi Wan eventually lets Darth Vader best him by becoming one with the force and disappearing.

The rebels begin an attack on the Death Star soon after.  The plan is for a group of starfighters to  hit a vulnerable spot on the Death Star.  During the fight many of the Rebels are lost.  And then just before it is too late Luke Skywalker takes one more go at it. As Luke is flying toward the spot he needs to hit he hears Obi Wan's voice telling him to "let go and trust him" Luke then turns off his targeting computer and ends up firing the shot that destroys the Death Star.


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