Golf Struggles

This last weekend I went golfing.  I was actually decently surprised with how well I played overall. I hit my shots pretty well off the tee as well as my intermediate shots.  Everything was going okay until I made it to the green.  I couldn't sink a par or birdie putt to save my life.  To make matters worse it seemed as if every putt I missed had a chance to go in but I just barely missed seemingly every time.  Then today I went to the putting green and what do you know, the same thing happened.  Almost every time I needed to make a putt I barely missed.

With all this being said I think it's important in life to always find the silver linings.  In my putting struggles the silver lining would be that I'm improving in all the other aspects of the game.  I think its important to try to find the positive in what would seem to be a negative situation.  Would it be nice to be able to make a putt every once in a while? Yes, no doubt.  But you got to stay positive when you're trying to get better and finding the silver lining in every situation is a good way to do so.


  1. Golf is one of those sports. Everything can be on, but that one part of your game that isn't can be detrimental. ONU's new chipping green should give you some more practice!


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