Last Warm Day

 Last Thursday November 10th seems to be the last warm day of 2022.  It was about 70 degrees so with that being said there is only one right way to celebrate the last warm day of the year... by golfing.  I went golfing around 1:00 with my Dad.  It was a perfect day to go.  The wind wasn't blowing much, not many clouds in the sky and the course even had many of the leaves picked up making it easier to find my ball.  If you've read my blogs before you know that I'm not very good at golf but I've improved from where I began.  Also if you've read my blogs you'd know that putting is the biggest weakness in my game.  So my goal on Thursday was to not three-putt and I accomplished that goal on all except two holes so I will take that.   All in all I played decent.  I definitely could've played better but I am still alright with the way my last day of the year on the course went.  I ended up with a 52 on 9 holes which I am okay with.  If you have any suggestions for staying with the game through the winter months please let me know!


  1. I love to golf and missing out on this last nice day golfing makes me sad. I also very much struggle with putting but I am working on it. I hope to get to TopGolf soon to get some swings in!


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