
Final Finals

 Next week will be my last final exams week.  I'm able to graduate a semester early and begin my career.  It is kind of bittersweet that it is coming to an end but I'm excited for the next step.  The quote "Days go slow but the years fly right by." is the best representation of how college has gone for me.  It seems like last week I was moving into founders with my parents and roommate and now I'm a week away from being done.  It is crazy how slow time can seem to be at times but in the big picture it seems to fly by.  I've made lifelong friends during this time and learn a lot about life and my career.  I'm glad I chose Ohio Northern and I wouldn't change anything.  Go Bears!

Weekend Travels

 This past weekend I got the chance to travel up to Minnesota and go to a Vikings game.  I was born a Vikings fan and I've been to a couple games in Detroit but I've never been to a home game in Minnesota.  The Vikings stadium is one of the newer ones in the NFL with its first year of use being in 2016.  They had to build a new stadium because the previous one infamously had its roof collapse due to the amount of snow that gathered on top of the stadium.   We drove 9.5 hours to Minnesota on Friday and stayed until Monday morning.  We explored the Twin Cities on Saturday and then went to the game on Sunday.  It was a really cool experience to be in that stadium.  It is generally mentioned in the conversation of loudest NFL stadiums and after being there I would agree because my ears were ringing after every defensive third down play.  The Vikings were up comfortably in the first half but got stagnate in the second half allowing the Jets to come back.  The Vikings ended up winnin

Marketing Campaigns

Chapter 14 is about influencer marketing.  There are so many influencers in every subject you can think of that people follow and listen to.  So it would be smart for companies to use influencers to their advantage in promoting a product.  Influencers can be used to reach a specific target audience that many times a company wouldn't be able to reach on their own.  Another reason influencer marketing is so important is because people will buy a product solely because their favorite influencers get that product.  I am one of those people.  I buy products that influencers that I trust promote and sell.  I think this is especially true in my age.  We are always on our phones and following people that share similar interests to us so having those influencers help promote a product would only help the company.

Thanksgiving Break

 My Thanksgiving break was less relaxing than it has been the previous 3 years.  I had to stay in Ada through Wednesday because I was scheduled to work both Monday and Tuesday. Then on Wednesday I drove two and a half hours east for a job interview.  So I didn't get home until about 6:00pm on Wednesday evening.  Thanksgiving was still enjoyable though.  In my opinion Thanksgiving is the most underrated holiday.  This holiday involves two of my favorite things - football and food.  Three games of NFL football and what seems to be an endless amount of food to be eaten.  Then the cherry on top was that my favorite NFL team, the Minnesota Vikings, played the last game of the day and won.  Then on Friday I had another Thanksgiving celebration which meant more food.  I think people don't appreciate Thanksgiving as much as they should.  It seems like people are more focused on getting to Christmas and not so much on Thanksgiving which I am not a fan of.


 Chapter 12 is about blogging.  Blogging started in 1994 and has exploded into what it is today with 77% of internet users reading blogs on a regular basis.  Blogs give people a platform to voice their opinion in depth.  Rather than a tweet with 140 characters or on other platforms where they can be limited. Many companies use blogs to market their products.  The book talks pros and cons of marketing through a blog.  The top three benefits being increasing brand awareness, humanizing the brand and creating conversations with customers.  The main drawback of blogging is the time commitment and the ROI of that time commitment.  Even with the little experience I have blogging I know how time consuming it can be and my blogs aren't even that in depth trying to sell a product.  But a company who is trying to sell something and give an in depth analysis of a product I can see being very time consuming and borderline not worth their time.  With that said though I think that having a good

Last Warm Day

 Last Thursday November 10th seems to be the last warm day of 2022.  It was about 70 degrees so with that being said there is only one right way to celebrate the last warm day of the year... by golfing.  I went golfing around 1:00 with my Dad.  It was a perfect day to go.  The wind wasn't blowing much, not many clouds in the sky and the course even had many of the leaves picked up making it easier to find my ball.  If you've read my blogs before you know that I'm not very good at golf but I've improved from where I began.  Also if you've read my blogs you'd know that putting is the biggest weakness in my game.  So my goal on Thursday was to not three-putt and I accomplished that goal on all except two holes so I will take that.   All in all I played decent.  I definitely could've played better but I am still alright with the way my last day of the year on the course went.  I ended up with a 52 on 9 holes which I am okay with.  If you have any suggestions for


 My music tastes have really changed over the past year and a half.  For most of my life up until summer of 2021 the main artists I would listen to was J Cole, Chance the Rapper, Kendrick Lamar and Logic.  Then summer of 2021 I had a job that I was able to listen to music the whole time so I started listening to a different style of rap.  Artists like Future, Lil Baby and Lil Durk were at the top of that list.  For the rest of the year up until last summer the music I listened to consisted of predominantly those three artists as well as J Cole.  Then this summer I did a lot of driving which made me venture into country music.  Artists like Morgan Wallen, Jordan Davis, Luke Combs and Rodney Atkins became the main country artists I listened to.   I like the current state of music that I listen to compared to a few years ago.  There is a lot more variety which prevents different artists and styles from becoming stale quickly.  I like being able to go from trap rap to country in back to ba