
Showing posts from September, 2022

Episode 4

 Episode 4 - A New Hope is the fourth movie in the Star Wars saga but was originally the first before the prequels came out.  This movie starts off with immediate action.  Princess Leia has has possession of the Empires plans for their secret weapon: the Death Star.  But her ship is ultimately captured but Leia is able to give the plans to R2-D2 with instructions to bring the message to Obi Wan Kenobi.  R2 escapes along with C3PO and heads toward Tatooine where they are taken by Jawa Traders who bring them by a moisture farm where they run into Luke Skywalker.  Luke seems to be an average 16 year old farmer with dreams of becoming a pilot.  He discovers the message the R2 is carrying and wonders if it is meant for his neighbor Ben Kenobi .  Eventually Luke discovers that Ben Kenobi is Obi Wan and that the message is for him.  Obi Wan gives Luke his fathers old lightsaber and tells him that Luke's father was killed by Darth Vader.  Luke, Obi Wan and both droids eventually leave Tato


 Instagram was first introduced in 2010 and within 9 months Instagram was up to 7 million users.  Then by April 2012 there was 30 million users.  Now, Instagram has over 1.45 billion users.  Businesses have began using Instagram to promote their product due to the high amount of users on Instagram.  For me personally Instagram is my favorite social media.  I would think that many people my age also have Instagram as their favorite app.  For this reason companies need to and have evolved to have their product advertised on Instagram.  There are currently 200 million business accounts on Instagram.  With that many business accounts its almost impossible to not find an account for a specific product your searching for.  Instagram has made it easy to find a product and buy that product.  This along with many other reasons is why I believe Instagram to be the number one social media today.

Chapter 4

 Chapter 4 is about how to market on Facebook.  Facebook is the most popular social media network so if you don't use it as a company you are doing something wrong.  Facebook has 2.91 billion users with the largest age group of users being 25-34 years of age.  With this many users there are so many different interests that people have that you can market anything on Facebook and know that you will get some interactions.  This is proven with 96% of social media marketers stating that Facebook provides the best ROI of all social networks.  With all this being said Facebook still has its challengers especially among younger populations.  With platforms like TikTok being a significant threat it is vital to Facebooks success that they plan ahead to keep ahead of these emerging platforms.

The Prequels

 The Star Wars prequel trilogy shows us the back story of the original trilogy.  But I think the most important part of the prequels is Anakin/Darth Vader's back story.  We see a ten year old slave on Tatooine turn into the most feared man in the galaxy.  From the beginning when Qui Gon Jinn discovered Anakin it seemed as if the Jedi Council, specifically Mace Windu, had beef with Anakin.  It seemed as if they didn't really want Anakin to reach his full potential.  The Jedi were extremely passive when it came to Anakin's teachings even after Anakin had proved himself many times.  The Jedi also knew that Anakin had a lot of inner conflict but rarely offered any real solutions to his problems.  On top of all of this the dagger was the councils refusal to grant Anakin the rank of Master Jedi.  This caused even more distrust within Anakin and allowed Palpatine to seduce Anakin toward the dark side. I believe that the Jedi are responsible for the fall of Anakin Skywalker and the

Social Media Podcast

 I just made a brief podcast giving my thoughts and opinion on how to make your social media experience better and more unifying.  I talk about a key feature on most platforms that has allowed me to better use social media and improve my experience.  Give it a quick listen! Show Notes: 00:00 - 00:15 Introduction 00:15- 01:10 NBC Social Media Poll 01:10 - 01:35 How you use social media 01:35 - 02:32 Doomscrolling 02:35 - 02:58 My experience 03:00 -  03:45   Enhancing social media experience 03:45 - 04:15   Benefits of social media 04:15 Outro

Episode 3

Revenge of the Sith is the third movie in the Star Wars saga and the last prequel.  This movie takes place three years after Attack of the Clones.  This movie is the end of the Clone Wars which took place in between Episode 2 and 3.  There is also an animated series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, that showcases many important events during the Clone Wars and also explains why many things in this movie happen. Back to Revenge of the Sith.  This move starts off with Separatist leader Count Dooku capturing Chancellor Palpatine during a battle.  Obi Wan and Anakin are on a rescue mission for the Chancellor.  After a series of impediments from the Separatist army, Anakin and Obi Wan are able to make it on to the ship where the Chancellor is being held.  Once the two make it to the Chancellor they are greeted by Count Dooku where an epic lightsaber battle begins.  During the fight Obi Wan is knocked unconscious by Dooku.  Anakin continues to battle Dooku.  "I sense great fear in you, Skywa

Chapter 3: Social Media Marketing Strategy and Social Media Advertising

 Chapter 3 is about marketing and advertising.  I believe that these two components are the key to growing your social media brand.  There is a lot that goes into developing a successful strategy but I believe one step to be of most importance and that is selecting the appropriate platform.  If I'm trying to sell clothing to teenagers, I would be wrong to only advertise on Facebook.  If I'm selling clothing for older people, I would be wrong to advertise on Snapchat.  Instead it would be smarter to advertise teen clothing on Snapchat and advertise the older generations clothing on Facebook.  It is important to choose the right platform depending on who your target audience is.  It would be wise for companies to be active on more than one social media platform to reach as many potential customers as possible.  Being active on platforms where your target audience is also most active would be the best way to get as many interactions as possible.

Episode 2

 Attack of The Clones is the second movie of nine. This movie is set ten years after The Phantom Menace.   The movie starts out with Senator Padme Amidala arriving at Coruscant to debate a military creation act that would allow the Republic to form an army against the separatists.  As she arrives the ship that was thought to be transporting her, but was actually carrying her decoy, blows up and Padme survives the assassination attempt.  This forces Chancellor Palpatine to request that Obi Wan and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker to protect Padme during her stay.  Later that night another assassination attempt is made on Padmes life, this time Obi Wan and Anakin are able to track down the assassin.  As they begin interrogating the assassin a saberdart is fired and strikes the assassin, killing her right as she was about to say who she was hired by.  As Obi Wan is investigating who shot the saberdart he makes his way to the planet Kamino.  He discovers the creation of a massive clone army