
Showing posts from October, 2022


 This current chapter in the book is about LinkedIn.  LinkedIn is probably the most important social media to be on for college students.  It helps connect you with professionals in your area of study and can help get your foot in the door for internships and/or a job.  LinkedIn is unique because of how professional it is.  It is how people get connected and stay connected.  Connections are a huge part of getting a job or internship.  A lot of times it is more about who you know rather than what you know.  So being well connected with professionals in your area of work is vital and LinkedIn is a way to accomplish that. With this all being said if you aren't on LinkedIn, you need to be ASAP.  Get connected with people and don't be afraid to ask them for help.  Most people wouldn't be where they are if it weren't for the help of others.  So if you aren't already, get LinkedIn and get connected. 

Homecoming Weekend

 Homecoming here at Ohio Northern was last weekend.  The main homecoming event I went to was the ONU football game.  We hosted Muskingum at 1:30 on Saturday.  It was an eventful pre-game with there being a lot more people than normal attending the game.  A lot of people were tailgating and catching up with old teammates and friends. The game itself was somewhat uneventful.  After the first quarter Muskingum was up 7-0.  Muskingum took a 14-0 lead in the second when the Bears finally got some points on the board, making the score 14-7 in favor of Muskingum.  Then as the half was winding down, Muskingum got a huge interception and capitalized off the Bears mistake bring the score to 20-7 at the half.  Nothing really happened in third quarter and the score remained 20-7.  The same could really be said for the fourth quarter.  Muskingum managed to get a field goal to extend the lead 23-7 but neither team could really get anything going offensively.  That was pretty much the story of the ga

Golf Struggles

This last weekend I went golfing.  I was actually decently surprised with how well I played overall. I hit my shots pretty well off the tee as well as my intermediate shots.  Everything was going okay until I made it to the green.  I couldn't sink a par or birdie putt to save my life.  To make matters worse it seemed as if every putt I missed had a chance to go in but I just barely missed seemingly every time.  Then today I went to the putting green and what do you know, the same thing happened.  Almost every time I needed to make a putt I barely missed. With all this being said I think it's important in life to always find the silver linings.  In my putting struggles the silver lining would be that I'm improving in all the other aspects of the game.  I think its important to try to find the positive in what would seem to be a negative situation.  Would it be nice to be able to make a putt every once in a while? Yes, no doubt.  But you got to stay positive when you're t

Social Dilemma

This week in class we watched the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma .  This movie is a collaboration of interviews from different tech companies ex-employee's.  In the documentary they talk about how dangerous social networks have become with how much data they collect.  With all the data they collect, they use it to influence and control what you see during your social media experience.  These companies use algorithms that influence us to buy things, and not just material things.  They influence us to buy into fake news that give a distorted view on the world. The documentary also talks about the negative impact on our mental health that social media has.  Almost very social media has a "Like" feature.  This was created by a Facebook employee to spread positivity but it has turned into a way to compare yourself to others.  If you aren't getting as many likes as someone else many people will get their feelings hurt because of that.  The documentary talked about a


 Chapter 8 is about marketing with Pinterest.  Pinterest is one of the major social media's that I am least familiar with.  I feel like there are many college age males that would say the same.  Males make up only 15.3% of all Pinterest users.  After reading on this chapter about the components of Pinterest it seems pretty similar to other social media platforms.  Pinterest seems to be one of the easier platforms to shop on.  People on Pinterest spend 2 times more than other platforms.  For this reason using Pinterest to market a product is essential, especially if your target audience is females.  Pinterest's unique algorithm allows for a good amount (5-30) of posts needed per day to maximize reach.


This weeks blog is going to be about golf.  Golf is another one of my favorite hobbies to participate in. I started golfing sparsely, when I was around 17 years old.  It wasn't until about 6 months ago where I started actually focusing on trying to be better and golfing more.  With that being said, I'm still terrible.  Golf is a very hard game to get good at.  It can also be a very frustrating game.  You hit one bad ball and all of a sudden that turns into 5 straight bad hits.  This makes it super important to always be in the present.  You shouldn't stress about what has already happened and should focus all your attention to what you're trying to do right now.  My golf ability has increased tremendously throughout the past couple months and that is a result of putting time in.  Whether that is going to the driving range, playing a round or even watching Youtube videos it all can help you get better.


 This weeks blog is going to be a little different.  This week I'm going to talk about my favorite hobby: lifting.  I was introduced to lifting at a very young age.  I actually have a picture of my younger self probably around the age 2 or 3.  I didn't start seriously lifting until around 7th grade though.  So right now I'm going on about my 10th year of lifting.  Although it has been almost 10 years, the previous 3 years have been my best years of training.   October is my favorite month for 3 reasons: football, my birthday and Squatober.  I'm going to focus on Squatober.  Squatober is a yearly celebration where you squat 5 days a week throughout the month of October.  I have been participating in this celebration for the past 3 years and see myself continuing for the foreseeable future.  Squatober workouts are posted daily on the instagram account @sorinex_squatober and although it is squatting everyday, there is some new challenge everyday.  For example tomorrow the


Originally known as "Picaboo," Snapchat came to the social media world in July of 2011.  Snapchat is very unique compared to other social media's.  Snapchat is personally my most used social media app and I would bet that it is also the most used for many people my age.  Snapchat is mainly used as a communication app for most people but companies are realizing how much engagement they can get by marketing through Snapchat.  Companies have used many tactics like different filters to promote their product.  This is a great way to get engagement due to the fact that so many people are on Snapchat daily.  I feel like with Snapchat it is also easier to hit your target market because there is much less age diversity on Snapchat.  With 82.1% of users being ages 13-34 companies can really zone in on advertising their product to a certain demographic and be confident that it will do well.